Jason Lu’s Status Report for 3/23

This Week’s Work

  • Ethics assignment related tasks
  • Continued UI development (see “State of the UI” section below)


I was unable to complete any tasks from this week:

  1. Complete initial implementation of main screen code (with faked sensor data)
  2. Start integration with Jack’s radar code
  3. Start implementation of turn signal control
  4. Start radar tuning for forward collision warning

I’m close to completing the UI, the remaining tasks on my plate are (at least what’s needed for integration):

  • Add UI elements for rear and forward collision warnings
  • Finish up code to simulate turn signal button presses (almost done at time of writing)
  • Allow overriding a radar zone’s data to show no car detected, currently we can only control the range and velocity of the car detected in the zone but not whether a car is present or not.

With respect to the UI itself, I am currently on track although there is a risk of slippage depending on how long these remaining tasks take. According to the schedule, I have until tomorrow to complete the visualizations, so there isn’t much time left.

Because of the delay in starting the other tasks, I’ve shifted the dates for the radar tuning (forward collision tuning) and turn signal implementation to 3/23 – 3/29. This has not resulted in any delays, but further delays (which is a high risk!) in these tasks runs the risk of delaying the overall electrical/software integration such that it results in a cascade of delays downstream. I’m hoping that I can make good progress on these during the lab times this week.

Upcoming Deliverables

The main deliverables for this week are similar to last week except for removing integration with Jack’s radar code since that task doesn’t start until 3/30, and changing “start” to “complete” for turn signal implementation and radar tuning since their deadlines are soon:

  1. Complete initial implementation of main screen code (with faked sensor data)
  2. Complete implementation of turn signal control
  3. Complete radar tuning

State of the UI

Please see this video I recorded for the current state of the UI: Google Drive link (you will need a CMU account to see this).

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