Jack Wang’s Status Report for 3/9/24

Personal Accomplishments:

  1. Design Review Paper (11 hrs): Together with Johnny and Jason, we finished the design review paper during the regular lab meeting time and some extra time outside the lab. I wrote the introduction, use-case, system implementation of radar, design tradeoffs of radar, and previous works sections. You can see more about this paper here. During the writing, I researched more on the parameter tunings of the radar. Specifically, what parameters can we tune, and what they are for based on the datasheet. I created the flow chart for communication between the radar and the RPi. I also found the requirements for the radar dome that we are trying to build for water-proofing purposes. This includes the thickness and the type of materials we need to use. I shared this information with Johnny, who will be designing the case.
  2. Radar software bring-up (2hrs): I continued the progress of the radar software bring-up by establishing communications successfully using the GPIO pins and UART.


My progress is a bit behind schedule on the radar setup due to the heavy workload for this week. However, I am only a little behind so I will be able to catch up with the schedule by this Monday, without affecting the overall progress of the team. The parameter tunings will start then.

Next Week:

  1. Finish radar software bring-up by Monday
  2. Start radar parameter tunings

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