Chris Status Report – 3/2

This week I completed the assembly file of the gantry design and made several modifications to the originally designed parts. Some of these modifications included a complete redesign of the bearing holders, a redesign of the print head to hold a servo vertically, and modification of the frame to move beams to the top. The assembly file is shown in the gif below.


Additionally I began printing some of the parts and made some modifications based on the results. We have received the shafts which run along the perimeter of the design and have been able to fix the pulley to the shaft using a small screw. A good portion of my time this week was also spent working on the design report.

This week I remained mostly on schedule, but made an ordering mistake last week which resulted in us not receiving our raspberry pi which slowed us down a bit for this week. I am still mostly on schedule, and plan on completing all designing and 3D printing of the remaining parts.

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