Eric Status Report – 5/4

This week, I worked closely with the rest of my team in order to optimize various aspects of the robot. Primarily working with Chris this week, I optimized the color picking algorithm of the robot even more, tested and redefined constants related to the locations of the paints and other items on the board, and helped expand zeroing capabilities in the other corners. In addition, I tested various parameters to use in our system and helped determine which to use, including the speed of the motors, the gap between fill-in strokes, and the brush width. I also edited the painting routine to add more instances where the robot zeros itself in order to account for drift. In addition to this, I helped fix various bugs and generally helped my teammates with whatever tasks they were working on. In the beginning of the week, I also spent time creating most of the final presentation powerpoint and preparing for my presentation of it. I oversaw many of the painting attempts of the robot, and recorded each painting instance to determine the time it took for each image. I also worked on putting the final demo poster together and wrote much of the content for it.

My progress is on schedule this week, as I and the rest of my team are in the final week of the project and are nearing completion of the entire project. As exhibited in the team status report, our robot has made significant improvements in painting, and we are happy with the state it is in currently. In the next few days, we will continue wrapping up several aspects of the project such as the UI and other small adjustments in order to finalize the for the public demo on Monday.

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