This week I spent most of my time working on the design review report. Since I had done the design review presentation, I had a good idea of what to put into the design review report. One of the criticisms from Professor Nace was that our schedules weren’t precise enough, so I spent some time making a more detailed and better formatted schedule.
One of the things we realized was that the time constraint of 8 hours for all images didn’t make sense and was too vague. Therefore I, with Chris’ input, created a new way of measuring how much the time constraint for a specific image should be. It is based on the complexity of the image. The way to measure complexity in the image is based on the ratio of compression of the jpeg version of the image and the size of the image. The more it can be compressed, the simpler the image is. I also cut the shafts to the desired lengths for the gantry system.
My goal for the next week is to run the image segmentation algorithm on the test bank and save the results. The biggest task for me will be to create the stroke generation algorithm. This is the algorithm that takes the output from the image segmentation and turns it into a list of strokes for the robot to do.
I was supposed to start the stroke generation routine and creating the image bank yesterday but I had to push this back by a couple days in order to complete the design review report. I will start working on these tomorrow. In case I don’t finish, I will work on this over Spring Break.