This week, I spent most of my time on the stroke generation algorithm. The first couple days of the week was spent on finishing the design review report with the rest of the team. After we submitted that, we got together and made sure that we had ordered all the parts so that we could build our frame and gantry system as soon as we got back from Spring Break. My main task this week was to work on creating outputs of the mean shift segmentation on all the images from the test bank. This way, we have pre-processed images which we can feed into our physical system.
I then worked on the stroke generation algorithm. This algorithm takes the mean shift segmented image as an input. It then turns the image into a list of strokes. There are two different kinds of strokes: perimeter strokes and fill-in strokes. Each object in the segmented image is made up of one perimeter stroke and one fill-in stroke. The perimeter strokes trace the outline of an object with the color of that object and the fill-in strokes fill in the object with horizontal straight lines of that color. The order of objects to be drawn is based on the length of the perimeter stroke, to make sure that the lowest detailed objects are drawn first. Once the strokes have been created and ordered, they are broken up into line segments which are defined by a starting coordinate, ending coordinate, and color. The color is chosen to be the closest color from the palette in terms of HSV values to the original color. This list of coordinates and colors is the output of this function that is sent to the control layer.
I am currently working on this function, and will use the break to finish it. Once I finish this, I will be on schedule. When I come back to campus after Spring Break, I will be working on helping build the physical system. We will have all of the parts by then and will need to focus on building this mechanical system first.