This week I worked on finalizing the software algorithm after meeting with Professor Aswin Sankaranarayanan. We have decided to go ahead with Mean Shift Segmentation clustering algorithm to pre-process the original image into something that we can draw using our robot. We will start with the lowest detail segments first, and then overlay the high detail ones on top of that. We are also thinking about creating a bank of strokes which will allow us to draw and fill in the shapes that we need. Any parameters (such as how large the segments should be, how many colors, finalizing of the stroke bank) will be finalized during experimentation once we have built the robot.
I also created the painter head which will house the servo holding the paintbrush on Solidworks. We will finalize the measurements once we receive our servo, but the design is complete. Furthermore, I worked on the Design Review slides and Document. I will be giving the presentation on Monday and so I’ve been preparing for that as well. One of the diagrams that will go into the design document was prepared by me.
I am on schedule with everything. Next week, after the design review, I will help with 3D printing of the parts and building the gantry system. Nothing needs to be done with software until we have built the system.