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Author: jafinn

Team status report for 10/17

Team status report for 10/17

Some of the feedback from our presentation showed concern with the size of our project, and we would agree that currently, the biggest risk to our project is time. It’s  proving tough to keep up with our schedule. We have already planned for this and have revised our schedule since the proposal to be a bit more realistic while still building in slack to our schedule. Eric has determined that the video layer will require a bit more complexity in…

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Joe’s status report for 10/17

Joe’s status report for 10/17

This week, I implemented the wavetable oscillator in Python. It meets our requirements of <1% deviation in pitch, and can output sawtooth, square waves, and sine waves. I am very happy with it because it was the one component we were nervous about meeting our requirements for, since we didn’t have too much of a basis for deviation in pitch. The model was written very similar to how it would be implemented in hardware, so it should be fairly fast…

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Team Status Update for 10/10

Team Status Update for 10/10

This week, we worked on catching up from the missed time last week. We all are well into designing our respective components. Currently, we don’t have any major risks for the project; we’ve spent a lot of time discussing the oscillator module, because it has turned out to be more complicated than we have planned for.



This week, I implemented and verified a software model of the envelope detector module, which makes plots of like the image below for given values for attack, decay, sustain, and release. I’ve implemented it with hardware in mind, so it should be very easy to port it over to SystemVerilog. I’ve also worked on the software model for the wave table oscillator, which is proving to be more difficult than expected. I’ve put a lot of thought and testing into…

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Team Status Update for10/3

Team Status Update for10/3

This week, our team was spread pretty thin across lots of outside priorities. As a result, we are somewhat behind schedule. However, we did plan our project with the mindset that we would dedicate more and more time as the semester goes on, so the first week of our schedule was intentionally easy to account for an issue like this. As a result, we feel we shouldn’t have a problem making up the time next week. We looked through our…

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Manav’s status update for 10/3

Manav’s status update for 10/3

This week, I mostly focused on determining how I would go about developing a software simulator for midi simulator utilizing the test suite that Joe ended up creating in python. In addition to this, I also spent a considerable time studying and creating a mock version of the MIDI decoder in SystemVerilog. The sampler is still something I have to study and understand so I can properly take in input from the MIDI at a consistent clock rate. Starting next…

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Joe’s Status Update for 10/3

Joe’s Status Update for 10/3

This week, I worked on creating the test suite for our project. We decided that it was important to have software models to test against, and thought it was worth the time to create an automatic system to verify SystemVerilog output against a Python implementation of our modules. The test suite was completed and I am quite proud of how useful it is. Here is a subset of the files I created this week. Omitted is a template SystemVerilog +…

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