Team status update for 11/07
This week, we have all been working towards making working prototypes for the upcoming demos.
Manav has been working on being able to show we can decode simulated MIDI inputs. The MIDI keyboard came in this week, so he is able to sample real inputs for testing, though this might not be feasible before the demo.
Eric has finished the encoders module and is working on demoing our display. He won’t be able to demo the real LCD screen yet, but he is working on creating a simulated version to show for the demo. We are excited to be able to show something visual, since our project is kind of hard to demo due to the fact that it doesn’t really do anything interesting until it’s entirely done.
Joe is finished with software models of each APU component besides the filters, which he’s putting on the backlog temporarily for the purposes of the demo since they aren’t high priority for our requirements. As a result, his schedule has changed to delay their implementation and is instead working on integrating the entire software layer to hopefully produce demonstrable modulation by the time of our demo.