Joe’s status update 10/31

Joe’s status update 10/31

This week, I finished the applicator model and its testbench. I spent too long trying to fiddle with parameterization, both within the testbench and model, since there will be multiple applicators that are all slightly different. In the end, I decided the best use of my time was to make a general applicator to show proof of concept, and worry about verifying each individual one once I implement the hardware. I don’t anticipate them being too different, so this shouldn’t be an issue.

The testbench was actually quite tricky, since I essentially needed to simulate the envelope generator and oscillators in hardware in order to test the applicators. I ended up making static “dummy” envelopes/oscillators for testing purposes, since implementing these things in hardware is way more than necessary for the testbench.

This is the output of the applicator; it is currently combining an envelope with a square-wave LFO. It works with parameterized fixed-point inputs, which is important because I haven’t decided how wide each signal will be yet. That decision unfortunately has to wait until synthesis.


I also started work on the distortion effect. After that, all that is left is the filters, which I anticipate will be a bit tricky. There is a lot of signals-math I need to research before I start implementing them. Finishing those two next week, and starting integration.



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