Jullia Tran’s Status Report 5-8-21

This week, I spent the beginning of the week working on the final presentation demo and going over what Breyden was going to say for the final presentation. I worked on editing the Gantt chart to reflect our changes, and also edit some of the slides to make it more readable through the use of tables, cutting back texts, and adding more visual diagrams.

Later this week, I worked on recording some parts of the video for the final demo presentation. My part is to talk about the studio development, the design choices we made, and the final design that we have for the studio. I also worked on editing our final demo and putting together the final video. I need to go over the footages that we recorded from last week, along with some more footages we got from this week and find a way to best put together a video that would represent and displayed our project in the nicest way so that it’s easy to showcase our final product. Each member of the team recorded an audio recording, and an audio recording with the slides presentation to better explain the project’s work flow, and the final product. We also have B-roll shots of our working products from multiple angles, objects, and object interactions that needed to be put together.

We also work on putting together the poster presentation that is needed for Monday night.

Jullia Tran’s Status Report 5-01-2021

This week, our team gathers at my place to work on the project together. We work on integrating the entire pipeline together, from the output of the camera onto the display. Breyden and I first worked together to set up the TV and the pyramid because it’s a 55-inch TV so this set up task requires 2 persons.

I work on parts of adjusting the studio to make it works with 4 cameras. As mentioned in the team’s status report, we ran into wire length constrained and because of this, we decided to put the FPGA inside our studio. For this, I cut out a platform and place it on top of the FPGA. I also work on cutting up the felts to cover the walls. The dimension of these felts has to be so that it doesn’t cover up the LEDs running along the side of the studio. We also tried multiple colors felt and so all these sheets of felts need to be cut out. In each of the felt, there needs to be a hole so that the camera lens can fit through. There are 4 different colors that we tried (black, blue, light green, dark green) and each of these need 5 sheets of felt, 4 for the walls, and 1 for the bottom. Grace also helped me with cutting these felt. After cutting, we need to insert it into the studio and this tasks was also done with multiple iterations because we didn’t realized at first that we don’t want the felt to fully cover the LEDs lights because this turns out that the light becomes too diffused, hence some adjustment is needed.

I also work on cutting some of the holes in the studio so that wires can go through, as well as holes for the 4 cameras and their wires. This is done by directly cutting into the studio and measuring the height so that the placement of the cameras would be somewhat in the same leveling plane.

The lighting of the studio also needed to be adjusted. I helped with cutting strips of felt to diffuse specific light on the LEDs strip. Multiple iterations of this task need to be done since we need to figure out which configurations would best depict the video feed the best.

When we film some of the shots, I also help with some of the set up, clearing out space for the camera, and being Breyden’s assistance for whatever he needs to film. I also provided some feedbacks for some of the shots we might want to do for filming. I also help with documenting some of our progress with pictures as we work on this project.

I printed out the MTF test so that we can do testing with the setup. This test tests the distortion of the pyramid and since we have the MTF testing card printed out, we were able to just run this test.

We are on track with our tasks. We just have to finish up testings and put together the video, which is what I will be doing in the next week.

Jullia Tran’s Status Report 04-24-2021

This week, I work with Breyden to integrate Grace’s filter into the pipeline, wiring up the remaining camera and mounting them onto HSMC.

One issue we ran into at first was the filter seems to have an MSB issue. We found out that it was due to the signed extended mechanism was incorrectly implemented. Instead of sign extending the MSB, the LSB was used instead. This was a quick fix and once that was fixed, the chroma keying algorithm works perfectly (some pictures are in Breyden’s blog post).

When we plug in the second camera into GPIO, we noticed there was an issue with the White Balance of the second camera seems to be much better than the first camera. However, they both were using the same settings and outputs generated from the same Arduino Uno. After mounting the third and fourth camera, we realized that the later cameras that were being mounted have a much better White Balance and auto-exposure sensitivity than the first one. We then switched this camera out for a better one and now all the cameras are generating video feeds with similar output. Since our feed back from the interim demo was focusing on the quality of the video, we realized that this might be due to the fact that the first camera seems to be defective, as shown when the video feed quality of the newly mounted cameras were much better than the first one.

To address the issue with our demo’s video quality being low because of streaming through Zoom and also partly because the demo was filmed in the dark, we are planning on using a nicer camera to film the demo and brightening up the scene of our product so that the camera can capture our product better and in a more impressive manner.

Below are images of the a comparison between the first and second camera’s White Balance issue. Note that the better camera captures the yellow hue of the room better, doesn’t make the room looks washed out. Because of this, the image quality seems more crips as compared to the other camera where the exposure and the white balance seems to be set too high.

This image shows the effect of auto-chroma keying. The details about the user-interface built for this feature can be read in Breyden’s post.

Jullia Tran’s Status Report for 4-10-21

This week, I constructed the live studio using cardboard, tape and construction paper. The inner walls is covered with black construction paper. I also strung LED lights around the corners of the walls to create uniform lighting on the object. Currently, we have a plastic cup for the platform but we are planning on improving this for our final design. The black construction paper ended up not quite being black through the camera due to the lighting of the LEDs and they showed up black. Because of this, we ended up covering the platform and some of the background with black velvet to create a black background that won’t show up on the camera, mimicking the effect of the chroma-key filters. Currently the live studio only have 1 camera installed. However, we are able to test out the full pipeline, from camera inside the studio to FPGA to the TV onto the pyramid. The full design on the FPGA is ready with all the memory blocks created; we just haven’t wire up all the cameras.

Breyden helped with putting the entire set up together. We then adjust the White Balance once we have the entire set up. We also spent some time to film some sample clips for our interim demo. I then stitched up the video and it can be seen through this link here.

We thought that overall, the hologram effect looks quite decent and the floating effect was achieved. The quality of our filming could be improved because this small film was filmed using an iPhone camera in low lighting. We were thinking for final demo, we can maybe film in slightly brighter settings because the illusions seems to still hold in brighter settings.

Below are images of the live studio and of the hologram under bright light studio.

Jullia Tran’s Status Report for 4-3-21

This week, Breyden and I have been working on the camera issue with the color input of the camera reading incorrectly on the FPGA. This bug was a major hinder to achieving our MVP. In order to better debug this issue, we acquired an oscilloscope from the ECE labs to check out the inputs and outputs provided by the camera and the FPGA. Immediately by checking the input from the camera, we realized that the outputs were at 2.6V while the FPGA was reading these inputs at 2.5V. Since the voltages were too close to the threshold, the FPGA was misreading some inputs as low instead of high because sometimes the camera would output some high inputs as slightly lower than 2.5V. We fixed this issue by adjusting the default FPGA high input threshold to a lower threshold: 1.5V.

The next bug we encountered was our design was reading at negedge instead of posedge because a lot of the forums online suggested that the negedge of the camera produced more accurate results. This turned out to not be the case and the result can be seen clearly on the oscilloscope. We fixed this by just reading on a posedge instead of negedge and the noise in the image reduced.

The third bug we encountered was with the SCCB protocol. We thought that the arduino was communicating well with the camera because when we change some of the settings of the arduino, the resulting image seems to change. However since we weren’t able to get the correct image output on the VGA, we thought it was just our decoder not reading data correctly. After looking at the oscilloscope, we realized we were using a clock that is too high for this protocol, at 475kHz, which is higher than the max clock frequency of the camera’s SCCB (400kHz). We changed this frequency and we were able to get the correct image out displayed on the monitor. We were also able to change bit pattern, white balance, and some other camera settings to modify some of the color settings.

We now have a working color inputs and correctly reading these inputs to be displayed onto a monitor.

Below are some of the output images we got. Some of the noise seen here are resulted from the low-light of the room. The noise is reduced as better lighting is in the room.

Jullia Tran’s Status Report for 3-27-21

Last week, I spent my time writing the Design Report. I spent time on writing specifically the Architecture Overview, Design Trade Studies, Pyramid Materials and Pyramid Design. I also spent time on writing parts of other sections.

For this week, I spent time writing the image decoder, two sccb modules for FPGA, and a top module that wire these modules together. I then met up with Breyden to debug the full pipeline so that we have the flow of data from the FPGA going out into the VGA monitor. When we were debugging together, we realized that the i2c protocols using the FPGA wasn’t quite working correctly. This could be due to a number of things noise from the wiring connections. After debugging for a while, we decided that it might be easier to use the I2c protocol directly from the Arduino Uno because this was easier to debug. Breyden then took over and debugged some more after this when the issue becomes the color settings of the camera doesn’t quite follow what we expected from the specs sheet after we have set the settings to output RGB. We also worked out together how to instantiate the BRAM and interfacing with this type of memory from the FPGA. We now have a BRAM 2-port buffer that we read and write into so that we can output this data into the VGA monitor. However, we are currently facing the issue of the color not quite being as accurate as it should be: we have RGB565 settings for the camera and decoding in this scheme but the frame seems to be black and white. We are currently trying to handle this and hopefully will have it for next week. As of the progress, even with this issue we are facing, we are still on track because we have accomplished some of the tasks needed to be done for later along with debugging and testing.

Jullia Tran’s Status Report for 3-13-21

At the beginning of this week, I worked on the design presentation. I practiced and record myself a couple times on Zoom to familiarize myself with the presentation mode while presenting.

Later this week, I was handling some of the parts we ordered such as the OV7670 that we ordered and picked up the FPGA from the drop off place. I then arranged with Breyden a time to drop those off for him. I researched about how PLL would work on the FPGA, specifically how it is set in Quartus. Then I worked with the help of Breyden to figure out how the PLL would work with the camera. We were able to set the PLL to generate an output that would support the OV7670 at 720p, 60HZ, which should be around a 75 MHz clock. However, we were able to set the clock to even higher – 106.47MHz. This would support 1440×900@60Hz.

We are quite on schedule. Looking ahead, I hope to have the camera output an image to the VGA controller and showing that on the display.


Jullia Tran’s Status Report for 3-6-21

This week, I work on preparing the Design presentation. I researched for the materials of the pyramid as well as the mechanism of how it works (Pepper’s Ghost with ray optics). Using my research for the previous week, we agreed on the OV7670 as our camera and integrating this to our design. Breyden and I looked into the specs and the pins connections to flush out our solution to this problem better. Notably, the camera gives us a constraint/ requirement of GPIOs pins that we must have for our FPGA board, which is around 18pins * 4. The camera also provides us with the FOV, 25˚, which is needed in our computation for the size of our studio. I looked into the measurement of the monitor also and we decide that a 55” TV would work after calculating the dimension required for the 4-5x enlargement of our object. Using this information, I created some of the slides for the presentation.

My work on the presentation mainly includes the creating System Overview diagrams, diagrams of the construction of the pyramid and the setup for the live studio. I helped with some of the calculations for the physical designs (the live studio dimensions, the dimensions of each picture frame, the dimensions of each pyramid panel), as well as talk with Breyden about the System Overview design. I also helped with deciding on the FPGA board that we will be using through weighing our trade-offs between available/required logic elements and GPIO pins.

Also, I spend some time rehearsing the presentation. I also met with the professor to go over our slides for this presentation.

Jullia Tran’s Status Report for 2-27-21

At the beginning of this week, I worked on reviewing Grace’s presentation to prepare for the Proposal Presentation on Monday. We discussed pacing, and the points we should mention for each of the slides. Later this week, I have researched some of the materials for constructing the pyramid. There seems to be many ways to build this pyramid such as glass. However, after considering the size that we want this to be constructed as and how it would be very difficult to construct and cut into. It seems that the other way, which might be what we will be pursuing for our design would be to use plexiglass panels since these are cheap, light and comes in big sizes. As shown in this link here, this material maintains the holographic effects, while  has the potential to be scaled bigger.

I also looked into some cameras options for our design. At first, we have the options of choosing between USB, NTSC or VGA protocol to interact with our board. We think that between the three of these protocols, VGA might be easier to implement. I looked up some of the potentials options for VGA cameras and the OV7670, OV7725, or OV5642 all seem to be very viable options to meet our budget, as well as the specs for our requirements. The OV5642 seems to be much more expensive than the other two, however with 60fps support in the specs sheet. The OV7670 only has 30fps as mentioned in the specs sheet, however, it seems that we should be able to clock it up to 60fps. This camera model also seems to be more common amongst people who use FPGA with this camera as comparing to the other two camera. The OV7725 also seems to support 60fps but not a lot of people seems to have used them. Because of this, the OV7670 seems to be a viable solution for our requirements due to its cost, and widely used by people with FPGA interactions.

Jullia Tran’s Status Report for 2-20-21

Over the course of this week, I helped Grace work on the proposal presentation, specifically the solution approach and the system overview where I also discuss with Breyden to come up with some of the details for the design. After finishing the presentation on Thursday night as a team, Grace and I met with Professor Kim for feedbacks before our presentation on Monday. One of the biggest feedback was on the technical challenges slide, where we didn’t focus only on the biggest hurdles. We adjusted this slide accordingly, and also the division of work slide. We also finalized our Gantt chart. This up coming week, I hope to help research more about the different cameras available that have an interface with the FPGA so we can start ordering the parts. I also hope to look in to the use of PLLs with Breyden so we can think more deeply about our implementation design.