Ishita Kumar’s Status Report for 03/13/21

I worked on improving my image segmentation algorithm this week. I noticed significant improvement from last week when using HSV color thresholding. This is because I decided to graph the HSV range in one banana image and then used information from that graph to decide my thresholds, instead of manually fixing the range through trial and error. This HSV color threshold does well on multiple fresh bananas too. I tried my algorithm on different images of bananas in different positions for testing it. I now need to work on segmenting rotten bananas as well. Ishita Sinha and I are going to merge our code and then work on classification. I am researching classifiers which I will discuss with Ishita Sinha.  I will also work on the design document due next weekend and our team is going to meet to discuss this. We want to finish the classification code for rotten vs fresh by next week.



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