Manav’s Status Report for 12/5
This week, I have been spending the majority of my time ensuring that all of my portion (the midi and audio layers) are fully implemented, tested, and integrate with the rest of the code that is a part of this project. As of right now, based on all the testing that I have done, I can say that everything works in simulation. This consisted of more thoroughly testing the midi decoder, implementing and testing an event packager to turn midi signals into a discrete event struct, finish implementing and testing an event dispatcher to send events to each of the APUs to allow for 4-note polyphony, and implementing the mixer to make sure that we can combine the many signals from the APU into a singular bitstream to be sent to the digital to analog convertor. Now, I am spending most of my time hooking up my modules with all the pieces of the project that other members of my group implemented and ensure that handshaking between the modules works as expected. I have mostly finished ensuring the handshaking between all my components works as expected, and now just need to make sure it does so with the rest of my team’s work. The only loose ends for the rest of the project are making sure that the hardware works as expected so Eric (who currently possesses all the hardware elements) and I are going to try to call over the next two days to make sure the midi input is handled as expected and we sample is properly and the digital out we send is properly received and converted by the DAC (two things that I couldn’t do in simulation since its heavily reliant on circuitry).