What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).
My deliverable for this week involved me testing the Node JS server on the Arduino WIFI Rev while it is wireless. I am still in the process of accomplishing this with Amelia’s assistance as our Arduino code integration is proving to take a little longer than we had initially anticipated.
The type of wireless data transfer we have managed to achieve at this stage involves us using sockets to establish a connection with an external website that allows us to parse the incoming information to the Arduino. One caveat of this solution is that it requires us to use two separate Arduinos in order to confirm that the correct game data is being sent wirelessly to the WIFI Rev. So far we have managed to send the unique socket identifier to the WIFI Rev, however the desired game data is not being sent yet.
I have also managed to pinpoint the variable of interest for tracking all of our remaining game events of interest, namely low health, small hit and large hit. I am displaying this variable on the HTML page of our game in order to read in its values as it is dynamically changing, however I understand that my process of retrieval is only reading this value once, when the game first loads.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
My progress is a little behind from what I had anticipated I would have done by this week, as integration is taking longer than expected. I still have to integrate my software components with the hardware components that my teammates have built in order to have a working prototype before Thursday of next week. I will also still be focusing on how to use Puppeteer to acquire data from all the remaining game actions for this upcoming week.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
This week I plan to dynamically track our variable of interest being displayed on the HTML page of our game in order to read in its values as it is dynamically changing, as my current process seems to only be retrieving this value once, throughout game play. Moreover, I plan to continue testing my software on the Arduino WIFI Rev after establishing a wireless connection.