So far, we haven’t encountered many new risks. The newest one that came up is we realized we needed to design our control tower more, and that comes with a few more risks. Our control tower contains our Arduino, Jetson Nano, breadboard, and perched on top is the camera. Some risks with this is we have to figure out exactly where to position it so that it doesn’t come in contact with any water or heat, otherwise it should short out the entire system. We also have to make sure its placed optimally enough for the CV to work with the camera. Further, we need to make sure the tower is aesthetically pleasing (we are thinking looking like a large Amazon Alexa), and doesn’t hinder the overall hot pot meal. We are managing these risks by creating a CAD diagram of what we think, and we have left some time for redesigning. A contingency plan is that we remove the camera from this control tower, and put it on a tripod elsewhere. This way, the location of the control tower isn’t as important, and it wouldn’t need to be as tall. Then, we would just need to figure out the best way to position the tripod.
The changes that we made were mainly for this control tower I described above. The CAD for it is not set up yet, but we can include it in a future report. This change was necessary because this will be a centralized hub for much of our tech, and it makes the overall design more streamlined. This also makes it easier for set up and tear down, since a lot of the tech is contained within one structure. It also allows us to not make the technology too invasive. There might be a few costs just for the actual structure, but we don’t anticipate this to be expensive. As for time, we will need probably another week or half week to fully set it up. This will fall under our integration block that we have, and we left plenty of time (and slack time) within that block, so we will just decrease our slack time there.
Our updated schedule just contains another week blocked off in the middle of April for control tower integration.
This week we mainly focused on the design presentation/report, so we unfortunately don’t have any cool images or videos to share, but next week when we work more on the parts we ordered, we should have some cool media to share.