Funmbi’s Status Report: 5/8/2021

This week I finalized organizing all the feedback for the rhythm and the theory exercises, navigating from doing the exercises to achieving your feedback. I also began working on the cloud deployment. however, for cloud deployment I ran into an issue that I  can’t seem to solve yet and so I would be working on that throughout the weekend till Monday to hopefully get that fixed.

Below are pictures of all the final feedback displays that I worked on:

We have also integrated all the parts together and at this point have a fully functioning application. The last step is to get the deployment bug fixed. The biggest issue is we can’t seem to see where the bug is coming from and my fear is that it may be one of the APIs we are using so I am reading more into handling that and hope to have it fixed by the demo.

Last thing to accomplish is deployment and the addition of more style to our pages, so I would be cleaning up the resources pages and the theory pages and that should be all.

Funmbi’s Status Report: 5/1/2021

This week, I was able to accomplish completing of the integration of my files and one of my other partner’s files, so right now most if not all of our frontend has been completed with minor changes to be implemented. So my final tasks was creating the rhythm exercise using the VexFlow API and integrating that part to the rest of the application, which I was able to get finished. There are a few pictures below to represent what we have so far.

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Funmbi’s Status Report 4/24/2021

This week I worked on finalizing the feedback page and making it work. My aim was to get the feedback pages working and to get them displaying the correct data. As well as start fixing up the css of the pages for the final display to fit what we had desired for the end. Here are some pictures of my progress so far still have a few edits that need to be done but most likely would be done by the end of the week.

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Team Status Report 4/24/2021

These past few weeks our team has been working on each of us finalizing the last few functionalities for our project.  Some risks that we might run into is issues when we do integrate our separates part of the project, as we have delayed the integration back this might run into bugs. We plan on starting this coming week and would be meeting more frequently to best work on finalizing the project. There is also the issue of having it all ready to get feedback from other people so we can edit it in time for the presentation and hopefully make the necessary changes that they might highlight.

We included the addition of pauses between each note for pitch detection to allow for easy analysis of the pitch, and this is because without those breaks there is ambiguity to where one note ends and another note starts because a user’s pitch could range up to 50 cents which is halfway between a semitone which can affect the analysis and the scoring we may give the user on their pitch accuracy, and in turn the effectiveness of our application. In addition we also added a countdown for the pitch exercises so the user knows when to sing and can also assist in analyzing to know where to start picking up the user voice for pitch detection.

Funmbi’s Status Report: 4/10/2021

This week was rather difficult, I hit a problem with the javascript and python file integration. I had been hardcoding most of the exercises so I just finally started integrating it with Django. So I spent most of the week trying to fix that . I came up with a new solution that would allow me to work with AJAX. A screenshot of what I am testing so far to store the feedback for the exercises is below:

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Funmbi’s post: 4/3/2021

This week I worked on finishing the theory for the user to read to practice the music exercises that I created last week. I had to study a lot of different sites to compile the theory and as well as consider the information that would be important to a beginner. I also worked on fixing the java script compatibility issues when running our program on the Django Framework. So now I have the  exercises corresponding to the lessons on the base template html.

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Funmbi’s Status Report: 3/27/2021

This past 2 weeks I spent understanding the APIs I would be working with and then incorporating that into the current code. So I worked mainly with VexFlow because I spent this week working on the music theory lessons. I built the finding notes on a scale exercise such that the user would get a random lesson they could try every time. I also worked on the feedback for that lesson so it was understandable to the user at first glance. With this code I can all generate the clef exercises as well as the duration exercises using the same format, so I aim to finish that by Wednesday next week.

I also started working on the resources page and gathering external resources the user would find helpful to add to the page. I think that page would be a working progress as new resources can be collated at any time, but I have the html for that page started and so that is not a worry.

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Weekly Status Reports: 3/27/2021

This past 2 weeks, we started working on the bulk of the project. The headphones that we would be testing our website on was ordered and has arrived so we can do some testing before the interim demo. Some risks that we have run into and are likely.

While testing our project, in an attempt to run it using the Django Framework we realized Django was not recognizing one of our APIs and there might be an extra step to allow for external APIs to run on Django that we were not aware of, which took time from coding and slowed us down a little, but we would be meeting with a Web Development Professor at Carnegie Mellon with hopes to get it all ironed out before next week. Also while working we are also realizing the risk of time management. Spending time on the little bugs affecting the time we could spend on ironing out the bone structure without going into the complexities of our app. To handle that, we are currently working to make the basic app work on small tasks and hope to build on from there once we have the basic tasks working correctly.

We made one major change to our system spec. While testing the third party implementation of the Yin PDAwe realized the programmer did not implement all the steps required and so we discovered it did not meet the level of accuracy we expected to pass our requirements. In addition the code was also difficult to comprehend. For these reasons we have decided to use the Praat tool which runs on a python interface called Parselmouth. based on research we discovered that the Praat tool is better than the Yin algorithm, and we have begun working with this tool to implement our pitch detection for our web application.

Based on the changes and what we have implemented so far below is a screenshot of our updated schedule. So far, although slight changes had to be made there is still good hope that we are on track to having a viable product for demo.

Login Page:

Registration Page:

Funmbi’s Status Report: 3/13/2021

This week I focused on finalizing our design presentation and working on our design report. We had the design presentation on Monday and I presented so I worked on just practicing that. After the presentation, we have been working on the design report and I have been gathering the music lessons that we would need to create, as well as testing out my cent algorithm for the pitch feedback. I am currently just calculating a short piece with sending 2 frequencies in and then output the percentage accuracy in numbers.

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Funmbi’s Status Report: 3/6/2021

My main focus this week was finalizing the research we needed to get done for our design presentation. My main focus was hashing out the music theory and specifically how we would be calculating the pitch feedback and the margin of error that we would be considering acceptable. I found a few resources and a calculation that would help me with analyzing that. We also watched a lot of vocal coach lessons on YouTube to see important lessons for beginners, and I was tasked with speaking with a vocal major to get some feedback on important tools to consider for our users.

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