Team Status Report for 5/1/2021

As the semester comes to an end, we are continuing to integrate our subsystems and testing as we go. We have been integrating our front-end for the different exercises and creating dashboards linking to link them.

As of now, our most significant risks are successful web deployment and frontend/backend integration. The functionality of much of our code depends on the use of external libraries, so it is critical that in deploying our code we are able to include these packages. To mitigate this, we will start deployment on Monday when the front-end is almost entirely integrated, and test to see if there are any package import issues. Worst case scenario, we may have to run our website locally, but we are confident that we will be able to deploy in the time we have left.

As for frontend/backend integration, we are starting to integrate the exercises with their corresponding backend code. Ideally, we could have started this before, but there were some edge cases that needed to be resolved in extracting metrics for pitch exercise evaluation. We will continue to integrate and test the disjoint subsystems, hopefully with enough time to get user feedback on the functionality of our app and its usefulness as a vocal coach.

Photos of the web app’s dashboard and the rhythm exercise can be seen below:

We also uploaded our updated schedule:

Team Status Report for 4/3/2021

This week, we continued developing several core components of our project, particularly: lesson creation, web template design, and tone detection from calculated pitch contours. Thus far, we are on schedule and our pacing is generally what we anticipated.

While most of our design has stayed the same, we have made changes to how we will be storing data. As we have iterated over our project design and ideas, the data that we require have changed and to reflect that we updated our data model scheme from



This new scheme will provide us with more flexibility and reusability in how we represent and store data across users and exercises. Continue reading “Team Status Report for 4/3/2021”