Funmbi’s Status Report: 3/27/2021

This past 2 weeks I spent understanding the APIs I would be working with and then incorporating that into the current code. So I worked mainly with VexFlow because I spent this week working on the music theory lessons. I built the finding notes on a scale exercise such that the user would get a random lesson they could try every time. I also worked on the feedback for that lesson so it was understandable to the user at first glance. With this code I can all generate the clef exercises as well as the duration exercises using the same format, so I aim to finish that by Wednesday next week.

I also started working on the resources page and gathering external resources the user would find helpful to add to the page. I think that page would be a working progress as new resources can be collated at any time, but I have the html for that page started and so that is not a worry.

I ran into a slight issue which delayed me by a day. When trying to run my part of the project on our Django Framework even with an inclusion of the ‘import’ VexFlow line, the aspects of my code that run on VexFlow were not being displayed, and trying everything I could I couldn’t make it work, but hopefully after meeting with a professor later next week I can incorporate our code to the server to allow for all of us to integrate our project. It is because of this I haven’t completed all the music theory exercises. I am spending more time next week though to get it done so my hope is that by next week it is complete and I would have also started working on the pitch and timing lessons.

Next week, I hope to finalize the music theory lessons. incorporate them all into our Django Framework and start the UI for the pitch lessons, as we have the detection algorithm tested. I am hoping to have at least one lesson up there to test with the microphone now that it has arrived.

Below are a few screenshots of what I have accomplished so far:

Here is the code so far for the resources page:



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