This week, I spent the beginning of the week working on the final presentation demo and going over what Breyden was going to say for the final presentation. I worked on editing the Gantt chart to reflect our changes, and also edit some of the slides to make it more readable through the use of tables, cutting back texts, and adding more visual diagrams.
Later this week, I worked on recording some parts of the video for the final demo presentation. My part is to talk about the studio development, the design choices we made, and the final design that we have for the studio. I also worked on editing our final demo and putting together the final video. I need to go over the footages that we recorded from last week, along with some more footages we got from this week and find a way to best put together a video that would represent and displayed our project in the nicest way so that it’s easy to showcase our final product. Each member of the team recorded an audio recording, and an audio recording with the slides presentation to better explain the project’s work flow, and the final product. We also have B-roll shots of our working products from multiple angles, objects, and object interactions that needed to be put together.
We also work on putting together the poster presentation that is needed for Monday night.