At the beginning of the week, I prepared for the Design Review Presentation. I added animations to the slideshow and rearranged some of the information in the slide deck to allow for a clearer presentation. With the help of my teammates, we also revised our Gantt schedule to have finer grained tasks than our original schedule. Following these steps, I practiced presenting a few times, with my teammates offering very useful feedback. Then I presented on Monday, and our team subsequently responded to and discussed the provided feedback. (This is further discussed in this week’s Team Status Report here.)
Aside from the presentation, I also spent this week starting my next scheduled task: researching image filters. I have found information regarding filters used for image sharpening, where different kernels can provide different effects. Experimentation seems useful to determine which one would “best” provide local contrast, although an unsharp mask would work be reasonable as a starting point. As for chroma-keying, the best choice of backdrop color depends on what objects our live studio will be optimized for. While green is particularly good for digital cameras (to avoid visual noise), a blue backdrop would work better to avoid color spill on subjects and improve detail retention.
My progress is on schedule, as this week was assigned to working on the Design Review Presentation. Over the next week, I will finish researching these given topics, producing a summary for all the researched information that will aid in the design and implementation of the pyramid and image filters.