Siddesh’s Status Report- 3/6/21

This week, I first started by setting up the Jetson TX1 and downloading the Jetpack SDK. I ran into an initial bottleneck because the host PC required Ubuntu 18.04 to run Nvidia’s SDKManager application. Since I owned a Windows laptop, I attempted to use WSL in order to run this application, however I encountered numerous problems such as WSL not being able to display graphical applications without downloading a separate X-server, Windows firewalls preventing redirection, and WSL being unable to recognize USB devices plugged into the laptop. Ultimately, after four hours of troubleshooting this and contacting Nvidia support, we decided that Alvin and I would meet up at HH1307 later in the week to complete this process using his laptop. We were able to download the Jetpack SDK to the TX1 and download/configure ROS for the TX1. However, when trying to install Python libraries such as PyTorch, we realized that the TX1 had run out of internal memory. We tried researching solutions and eventually found that we could reformat an SD card, copy the contents of the flash memory to this SD card and configure the TX1 to boot from the SD card rather than internal memory. We acquired the necessary tools for doing so and will do so tomorrow.

In addition to setting up the TX1, I finished designing a case for housing the TX1 while the user is carrying it. I created this case by modifying a template for a top case I found online and then creating a new backplate that can be screwed on to the back of the case with the TX1 being sandwiched in the middle. We plan on 3D printing this early next week. I also began to research methods for target state estimation and worked with the team to create the design review presentation.

Next week, I will begin to work on target state estimation using arbitrary frame by frame (x, y) and bounding box data that I will create myself for testing. In addition to this, I will begin designing the housing to mount the camera and the Raspberry Pi onto the drone.  Finally, I will also help provide test video to Vedant of targets with various different shirt colors walking outside, 20 feet below the camera so that he can figure out what colors are best detected in the outdoor lighting conditions.

Team’s Status Report 2/27/21

At the start of this week (Sunday), we finalized our Gantt Chart and schedule. On Monday, we presented our proposal. We got some feedback from Professor Savvides that we should use a computer with more cores than the Jetson Nano . Since we owned a Jetson TX1 which has a 256-core GPU vs the 128-core GPU on Nano, we decided to switch to the TX1.

After this, we broke up the components of our design and assigned each team member certain parts and components to research for ordering. This breakdown was performed in the “Design Research” document in the shared folder. Finally, after each member had researched the desired components, we compiled all the components we need along with their provider and cost in the “Bill of Materials” sheet within the shared folder. In addition to this, we tested the drone simulation and flight controller API along with making sure the Raspberry Pi could send messages through ROS via WiFi. We also set up Solidworks for CAD design.

For next week, we will first order all the components labelled “ASAP” by Tuesday so that we can hopefully receive them from Quinn by the end of the week. In addition to this, we will set up the TX1 and start programming it, working on color filtering and blob detection using the TX1’s built-in camera and researching methods for target state estimation. In addition, we will create scripts that convey simple motion commands to the drone and test if it works in simulation. We will also test the bandwidth limitations of streaming video from a Raspberry Pi to a laptop over WiFi. Finally, we will begin the CAD process for the housing for our various parts.

Siddesh’s Status Report- 2/27/21

Last Sunday, our team finalized the Gantt Chart and schedule for the project. On Monday, I presented the proposal. After that, we worked together to divide up which components each of us would focus on researching for ordering. I researched batteries for powering the TX1 and concluded we should buy a 3S LiPo battery along with a charger, a charging bag and an XT-60 male to 2.5 mm barrel connector for connecting the battery to the TX1. In addition, I researched the type of camera we would need, using this calculator to figure out the width and height of the frame in feet given the camera’s focal length and distance to target. I found that a camera with a focal length around 4mm would give about a 20′ by 30′ frame when 20′ above the target. At a resolution of at least 720p, a back of the envelope calculation shows that this should provide enough pixels of the target for CV detection. n addition, the smaller focal length means that the camera itself is a lot more study.  Under these specifications, I found this camera that is meant to be connected to a Raspberry Pi, has the desired focal length and can provide 720p 60fps video (we only require 720p 30fps). Finally, in addition to researching these parts, I studied the datasheet of the TX1. I also downloaded Solidworks onto my computer and started learning how to use Solidworks for CAD design.

I wasn’t able to start testing the TX1 this week since I needed a monitor, keyboard and mouse (which I am acquiring today). Thus, for next week, I aim to fully set up the TX1 and create some sample programs (such as testing out Wi-Fi communication capability). I will also download and configure ROS on the TX1. In addition to this, I will start researching methods for performing target state estimation and begin the CAD process for the housing for the TX1, display and the camera / Raspberry Pi.

Siddesh’s Status Report- 2/20/21

I helped to write a new abstract for both our Bluetooth triangulation idea and our newly refined drone idea and looked up what specific technologies we could use for implementation. For the Bluetooth triangulation idea, I helped to identify SOCs that could support direction finding and helped email a PhD student for more information on this. For the drone idea, I helped solidify the requirements for our MVP and decide what the exact deliverables for our project were. After we decided on our final idea, I worked with the team to figure out how to divide the tasks and planned when we wanted to get each task done. I also worked on the presentation with the team. For next week, I will begin familiarizing myself with computer vision techniques for identifying people, and help create the schedule. I will also figure out what parts to order with the rest of the team.