Alvin 3/6/21

I met up with Sid to help install the Jetpack SDK on the TX1 as well as install ROS, but weren’t able to finish the full setup due to a memory shortage. I also helped build the design review presentation for this upcoming week.

This week was extremely busy for me, and as a result I didn’t accomplish the goals I set last week: namely setting up a software pipeline for the motion planning and actually testing on the simulator. What I did instead was set up the drone’s flight controller and double-check that my existing drone hardware was all ready for use. The drone and flight controller already contain the bare minimum sensors to enable autonomous mode:

  • gyroscope
  • accelerometer
  • magnetometer (compass)
  • barometer
  • GPS

I used the open-source QGroundControl software to calibrate these sensors. The accelerometer calibration is shown as an example below:

I also wired up other sensors to the drone’s flight controller:

  • downward-facing Optical Flow camera
  • downward-facing Lidar Lite range-finder

This next week, I will finish installing the communication APIs on our Raspberry Pi to communicate with the flight controller and verify its success with ROS by sending an “Arm” command to the drone. I will also finish last week’s task to set up an initial software pipeline for the motion planning.


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