This week I worked with my team on creating our project proposal presentation as well as reviewed the presentation of the other teams in my section. In addition, I worked to finalize the list of hardware that our project requires and submitted the order request forms to have the parts purchased. I started researching further into the computer vision algorithms that we will use by reading through documentation of similar projects.
Jananni’s Status Report for 2/27
This week I primarily focused on working on the Proposal Presentation. I was prepared to go on Monday but because the order was randomized I ended up practicing some more before my turn on Wednesday. For the presentation, I made sure to question every on the slides as the professors would and asked for reasoning for every single requirement so I could explain thoroughly during my presentation. I also did any additional research required for the introduction and spent some time practicing to myself. After the presentation, I wrote down all the tips and suggestions people had so we could improve our design as needed. I also ordered the main parts we would need (specifically the Jetson Xavier and the camera) so that we could start testing soon. We are currently on schedule as we planned to order critical material by this week. This next week, I hope to order the remaining material and receive the critical parts. From there we can start testing the facial detection on the board next week.
Adriana’s Status Report for 02/27
This week my team and I finalized our presentation for the project proposal. We presented on Thursday with Jananni as our presenter. After analyzing the feedback we received, we figured it was a good time to start purchasing our equipment so we can get to work! I looked through the equipment that is already available in the ECE department in order to see if there were any parts that we could borrow instead of having that come from our budget. We also submitted purchase request forms for our Jetson Xavier board.
Evann’s Status Report for 2/20
This week, I focused on determining the components of hardware system for the project. I first worked with the team to narrow the scope of our project to focus more on drowsy driving and potentially distracted driving (i.e. using cellphone, looking away). Then after solidifying a plan for the project, first working on eye detection the facial pose analysis, we concluded which components we would need to use for the project. We decided to use the Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX as it was the most powerful board with a GPU at our price range. After settling on this decision, I researched the other components we would need for the system. I found a few cameras that would be suitable for our applications but settled on a screen module/camera kit partly due to the price savings. Next I found a suitable sound card, accelerometer, and wifi card. Then I researched what OS to use for the boards as well as potentially SDKs such as Jetpack. Finally, I spent time working on the proposal presentation with my teammates working primarily on the Requirements, Hardware Solution Approach, and Scheduling.
Adriana’s Status Report for 02/20
This week, I worked on doing research on the computer vision aspect of our project. Specifically we are determining which approach of facial detection we want to implement. We have successfully narrowed it down between using the Dlib algorithm for face detection, facial landmarking and eye detection or using OpenCV’s DNN algorithm. Both algorithm have its sets of trade offs including performance and accuracy. We are currently learning towards implementing the OpenCV’s DNN algorithm for facial detection because it has a higher frames per second rate and a better accuracy. However, it is an extensive algorithm that may or may not be able to run on our boards GPU. The final decision will be based on the compatibility of the board and the polarizability of the algorithms. As a backup, we will utilize the slower and less accurate Dlib algorithm for face detection since that is able to run on our boards GPU.
Lastly, I worked with my team to finish our proposal presentation slides.
Team Status Report for 2/20
Our group worked on two main things this week: narrowing the scope of our project and spending some time research various technology.
Narrowing our Scope
We first worked on narrowing down the scope of our project. For our MVP, we are focusing on preventing drivers from falling asleep or from getting distracted.
In terms of hardware components, we compared the tradeoffs of various boards and we have decide on the Jetson Xavier board. In terms of software components, we have done preliminary research on various face-tracking and eye-tracking algorithms that work with the hardware. We also began some basic testing on some open source codebases to test for accuracy. We plan to spend some more time looking into the specific OS to put on our Xavier board and to narrow done the extra hardware such as the camera and screen.
Jananni’s Status Report for 2/20
This week our group focused on finalizing our research and solution approach. First, I focused on setting up the basic structure of the website. Then, we first focused on researching two things: the hardware components and compatible software algorithms for facial recognition and eye detection. Adriana tested the dlib algorithm and I helped her with some debugging. Once most of our research was complete, we worked on flushing out the details in the Proposal Slides. During this time, I mainly focused on understanding and questioning everything on the slides since I would be presenting next week.