Jananni’s Status Report for 3/27

  1. Accomplished this week:  This week I have been focused on building the calibration for our project.  This process asks the user to take pictures of their front and side profiles so that our algorithms can be more accurate for the specific user.  This week’s goal is to get the user’s eye height (in order to check for blinking) and the user’s mouth height (in order to check for yawning).

I first did research on various calibration code I could potential use.  One potential idea was using this project (https://github.com/rajendra7406-zz/FaceShape) where certain face dimensions are outputted.

Unfortunately these dimensions were not enough for our use case.  So I focused on using the DNN algorithm for a single frame and calculating the dimensions I required from the landmarks.

Then I started working on building the backend for the calibration process.  I spent a lot of time understanding the different pieces of code including the eye tracking and mouth detection.  Once I understood this, I worked on integrating the two and retrieving the specific values we need.  For the eye height, I calculated the average of the left and right eye height and for the mouth I return the max distance between the outer mouth landmarks.

2. Progress according to schedule:  My goal for this week was to build the basics of the calibration process and get the user’s facial dimensions which was accomplished on schedule.

3. Deliverables for next week:  Next week I hope to start working on the frontend of the calibration process and the user interface.

Jananni’s Status Report for 3/13

This week I focused on finalizing the block diagrams and research Adriana needed in order to present the Design Review Presentation.  I also started working on the Design Report due next week.  As a group we worked on the report and began putting the device together to start preliminary testing.  We are a little behind on our schedule but next week we plan to ramp up because we have more time.  I plan on completing a rough draft for the Design Report by Monday so that next week we can turn in the Final report and begin serious testing.  I will also start working on the calibration procedure.

Jananni’s Status Report for 3/6

This week we focused on ordering our most essential parts and finalizing our design.  First, we put in orders for the Jetson Xavier and the Kit since those are essential.  When we placed the order, we realized our TA wanted an official Budget so I created that.

Once the budget was finalized and our orders were approved, I started working on the PowerPoint for the design review presentation.  I primarily worked on the metrics slides for the driver and the device.  I used the comments and feedback I received from my Proposal Presentation and tried to incorporate that.  After, I helped work on the block diagrams.  Specifically, I worked on the System Specification: Hardware and System Specification: Software diagrams.

After, our parts arrived and we started assembling the device.

We are currently on track with our schedule.  Next week we plan to start testing the software we have on the device and hopefully begin some optimization.

Jananni’s Status Report for 2/27

This week I primarily focused on working on the Proposal Presentation.  I was prepared to go on Monday but because the order was randomized I ended up practicing some more before my turn on Wednesday.  For the presentation, I made sure to question every on the slides as the professors would and asked for reasoning for every single requirement so I could explain thoroughly during my presentation.  I also did any additional research required for the introduction and spent some time practicing to myself.  After the presentation, I wrote down all the tips and suggestions people had so we could improve our design as needed.  I also ordered the main parts we would need (specifically the Jetson Xavier and the camera) so that we could start testing soon.  We are currently on schedule as we planned to order critical material by this week.  This next week, I hope to order the remaining material and receive the critical parts.  From there we can start testing the facial detection on the board next week.

Team Status Report for 2/20

Our group worked on two main things this week: narrowing the scope of our project and spending some time research various technology.

Narrowing our Scope

We first worked on narrowing down the scope of our project.  For our MVP, we are focusing on preventing drivers from falling asleep or from getting distracted.


In terms of hardware components, we compared the tradeoffs of various boards and we have decide on the Jetson Xavier board.  In terms of software components, we have done preliminary research on various face-tracking and eye-tracking algorithms that work with the hardware.  We also began some basic testing on some open source codebases to test for accuracy.  We plan to spend some more time looking into the specific OS to put on our Xavier board and to narrow done the extra hardware such as the camera and screen.

Jananni’s Status Report for 2/20

This week our group focused on finalizing our research and solution approach.  First, I focused on setting up the basic structure of the website.  Then, we first focused on researching two things: the hardware components and compatible software algorithms for facial recognition and eye detection.  Adriana tested the dlib algorithm and I helped her with some debugging.  Once most of our research was complete, we worked on flushing out the details in the Proposal Slides.  During this time, I mainly focused on understanding and questioning everything on the slides since I would be presenting next week.