- Finalized the mechanical design for the conveyer belt system (currently have rack and pinion as a contingency plan).
- Extracted color ranges from hsv space for certain images (experimented on a picture of a banana).
- Ordered the Nvidia Jetson Nano 2GB and the Raspi camera module V2. Started experimenting with them. Next step is to write a program to take a picture and save it on disk.
- Worked on the design presentation. Finalized some design points (apart from mechanical) that were previously unanswered.
- Performed risk analysis and risk mitigation. In particular, if we can’t assemble the conveyer belt ourselves, we will use the treadmills in the CUC gym to simulate the process.
- Started looking into algorithms for extracting features (e.g localized black spots in a banana) from the segmented images.
Kushagra’s Status Report for 02/27/21
- Watched tutorials on the jetson nano and learned about all the machine learning / AI capabilities the board has to offer. Found the sdk to be very powerful.
- Decided to move away from the rotating plate so that we can incorporate non-round fruits (e.g. bananas)
- Developed frameworks for pixel isolation (segmentation and gaussian distribution).
Kushagra’s Status Report for 02/20/21
- Decided on bananas as the primary fruit since discoloration is more prominent and easier to detect. Still need to learn about HSV.
- Started brainstorming ways to isolate fruit through segmentation and detect localized pixels of different colors. This method seems easier than NNs, so preferring this, but keeping options open.
- Also started brainstorming on how to differentiate between fruits based on pixel distribution.
- Preparing the slides and talking points for proposal presentation
- Started looking into Jeston Nano Tutorials and JetPack sdk.