Got the CSI camera to work in burst mode, with the timing of the burst being configurable.
Trying to get the usb camera to take a picture, but it’s proving to be a lot harder. It’s possible that the usb camera isn’t compatible with the nano, in which case we need to order another usb camera. Because of this setback, I’m slightly behind on schedule, but am confident I can make up for it this week.
3D printed the parts for the conveyor belt, now we just need to assemble the whole thing.
Goal for next week is to get the usb camera working, and make sure that the motor controller board and the 12V power adapter works with the conveyor belt (and to assemble the belt itself).
Fabricated all the parts required for the conveyor belt. We decided to 3D print the motor coupler and the shaft couplers instead of using a piece of wood. The couplers seem very sturdy and we are confident they will work.
The above picture shows the motor shaft embedded in the motor coupler (yellow piece), which is in turn embedded inside the roller. The 3 black pieces are the other couplers. The whole system is tight and sturdy.
The CSI camera is able to take pictures in burst mode now, with the timing of the burst being configurable. Here is a sample image taken from the CSI camera. We’re in the process of getting the usb camera to work, but it’s proving to be a lot harder. It’s possible we might need to order a second usb camera since the one we have might not be compatible.
Ordered the 12V adapter for the conveyor belt and the DC motor speed controller board. We plan to finish constructing the conveyor belt by middle of this week.
Made a lot of progress on the pixel classification, and the algorithm is now very robust. We have also started looking into AlexNet, but we might not need it since the fine-tuned pixel classifier is working very well.
We’re making good progress, and are on track to finish the project by the due date!