As part of our work on the project this week, on the hardware front, we worked on getting the conveyor belt up and running. We still have some work to complete, but we plan on finishing it up by Monday, in time for the demo. On the software end, we tested our algorithm on a much larger dataset of bananas to ensure it generalizes well. Post that, we started testing on images we took with good versus rotten bananas to see how well it seems to be classifying them. We used a white background for the images since we’ll be having a white background with our conveyor belt. Besides that, we have set up the live stream for the camera, so we now need to work on writing up code for capturing each frame and examining it.
The updated schedule for our project looks as follows:
One of the major concerns for our team, for now, is that we haven’t started working on the gate yet, and we don’t have the setup for the product yet. Our schedule does recognize this and we have it planned accordingly, but realizing we have just 3 weeks until the final demo definitely sounds quite daunting, so we’d need to ensure we really meet the deadlines very well.