Hongzhe’s Status Report for 12/02/2023

This is the last week before the final presentation and we have mostly done the final tuning of the application development process together as a team.

I participated in the demo for final check to the course faculty, helped design the user testing questionnaire. I am also in charge of the backend performance testing (time consumed for each portion of the code that processes user data and counted into the waiting time), and worked with Roland in designing backend accuracy/performance testing plan. I am also the model for the accuracy plan which would be shown later in the presentation.

In the future week, I am planning to help conduct more user testing and gather opinions of the functionalities and parameter tuning of the system. We will also focus on preparing the final paper/poster work for the course together as a team.

Ray’s Status Report for 12/02/2023

My team and I made considerable progress on the project in the past two weeks. Except for some minor bugs, our application is functioning properly in general, and we are also actively optimizing our application to make it more convenient for our users.

To briefly summarize my work over the two weeks:

a. Training page posture sequencing works

Last Saturday and Sunday, I worked on the training page posture sequencing based on the implementation plan I created in advance. Since I finished the posture drawing functionality ahead of the plan, I implemented the posture sequencing functionality as well.

Now, for a Taichi posture sequence, the training page go through all subposetures in the sequence so that the users can actually train themselves on the full Taichi posture. When the user correctly performed a subpose, the training will automatically switch to the next subpose.

I also created a new configurable parameter “move-on time” for the users  in the setting screen to control the interval between subposes. It is different from the “preparation time” parameter, which is time interval between the moment start button is pressed and the evaluation of the first subpose.

Below is a image of the new trianing page (Image provided by Shiheng (Roland)).

b. Result page implemented

When the training of a Taichi posture ends, training screen now switches to a result screen, showing average score, total time, and a random tip on how to use our application correctly.

c. Tutorial page implemented

I created a new page showing a tutorial on how to use our application correctly. It is accessible from the menu page. Below is the tutorial page.

d. Minor fixes for better user experience

Selection screen has much larger pose item in order to make the image preview easier to view. Back buttons in all screens are enlarged. I also made a few small fixes on training screen timer display issues.

In general, my team and I am back on the schedule and we are promptly finalizing our project. Next week, I will fix the bugs and issues I found during testing and also brainstorm on what extra feature I want to add to our application.

Shiheng’s Status Report for 12/02/2023

For this week, I mostly focused on fixing minor bugs along with integration issues faced with testing out the application with rest of the group. Guidance was improved for users not fitting inside the frame of the camera and about correcting positions. I worked with Ray about issues I found in comparing skeletons about missing joints and scaling of the reference picture. Eric also assisted me in rerunning the openpose script on cropped picture for better performance in the application.

Issues were also found inside our voice module causing unintended termination of the application, which were found caused by pygame module. For the weekend and upcoming week, I will be preparing for the upcoming presentation and doing testing on my backend module along with Eric for justifications and evaluation purposes.

Team Status Report for 12/02/2023

For our Taichine project this week, we finished all planned functionalities in our MVP and were mostly focused on polishing the final details of the projection prior to the testing and verification phase.

During Monday and Wednesday meetings, the team focused on testing on the front end along with demos of the project to faculty members. In the process, bugs were found throughout the test when group members were trying out our final product.

Shiheng and Ray worked on the backend and integration scripts about cases where users were not correctly positioned in frame and when nobody is detected in the camera. Previous solutions were not comprehensive to users and more for the purpose of debugging, which now have been replaced by voice instructions and redrawing of the skeleton to guide users to improve their current posture. Shiheng also worked on implementing voice instructions and fixed failures where the pygame module will cause unintended termination of the training. Ray improved UI elements on the frontend and changed scaling algorithms for better showcase of skeletons.

Hongzhe (Eric) worked on cropping and regeneration of the openpose data on the Taichi pose pictures to accommodate the frontend changes of picture frame, during which he also helped figuring out the bugs encountered on the frontend on skeleton drawing for the reference pose and user input. Eric also suggested that logic improvements on the backend to Shiheng about pose priority, where fixes were implemented upon.

Jerry worked more on the custom pose implementation side and focused on file storage structures for sequencing and stepping through the images for prerecorded poses. Now both pipelines follow similar naming trends and users are more easily directed to figure out where the custom poses are stored. Also, some button logics were revised on the frontend by Jerry to improve performance of the application and remove redundancy.

We will focus on testing, verification, and validation of our project for the weekend and for the week prior to final demo. In addition, we will work simultaneously on other scheduled matters including slides, posters, and videos to accommodate for more flexibility during the final week.