This week I took the lead on user testing for our app. I created a google form to test for user’s satisfaction with various aspects of our app such as speed and usefulness of voice generated instructions. In total I had 5 users try out our application. I had users try the first pose, and had users select the “repulse the monkey” pose. I had the first user test on an angle tolerance of 4, 10, and 15. For the other 4 users I had them test on an angle tolerance of 15 and 20 degrees. After the first user tested, I found a bug where the training loop would continue running even after leaving the training page. I fixed this bug before testing with the other users, so the first user’s review is biased due to it being on a slower version of the system. Some commonalities from the feedback we were given is that users overwhelmingly preferred an angle tolerance of 20 degrees, they all found the mirroring of the camera unintuitive, but our app on the whole was fairly usable. Below is a picture of the responses we received to 2 of the questions in our google form:
I also helped to complete the final presentation slides with my teammates so we can be ready for our final presentation next week.
I believe I am on schedule as we have completed some of the verification and user testing needed for our project that we wanted to complete this week.
In terms of deliverables next week, I plan on continuing user testing as well as working on the design report and poster. I also anticipate working on some of the issues mentioned in our user testing if my partners need help completing some of the feature improvements users would like to see.