This week I continued developing the backend part of our software.
There were some back and forth between the group members on project details, but they were soon resolved and we were quickly back on track.
Following Monday’s interim demo session, I worked with Eric on hand posture detection as our demo did not detect them. We oversimplied the model and made the comparision inaccurate.
Fortunately it got resolved on the afternoon of the same day and we are now able to detect user’s hand posture. User will be reminded that their hand is not in the correct posture, e.g doing a fist instead of flat hand.
I also worked on more functionalities this week on the backend, including dividing and identifying body parts into ‘head’, ‘torso’, ‘arms’, ‘legs’, ‘feet’, communicating with Ray and Jerry about feedbacks needed on the frontend. The functionaility is mostly finished for normal picture (i.e user with full body included in frame with clear reference picture).
The plan for next week and following weeks is to implement the cases where unclear pictures are provided, or user is not posing their body inside the frame. I have been working closely with Eric’s test cases to identify potential issues from incoming rendered images and json files. Functions that need to implement are:
Calibration for one’s body and identifying their missing keypoints -> Prompt them to change their posture and include the full body in frame.
Multiple people in frame -> Use similiarity scoring to identify the actual user
Instruction wording -> Clear consise commands to user, and priortize lower body parts in training
Potential Integration issues -> Fix them as the project progresses
I also need to work with members on frontend about progress and implementation.
ABET question:
1. Unit testing on backend code: Lots of pre and postconditions are currently implemented for unit testing and debugging purposes
2. Image testing: Test on the go, using user inputs and reference images handpicked to test the functionality of the code
3. User feedback testing: Voice instructions will be played to user which will be evaluated on their quality and clarity
4. Edge case testing: Cases where improper images are uploaded? User not/partly in frame? User doing a completely different pose?