This week I was preparing for the interim demo components for my part on the project. In particular, I specifically worked on the training page to make sure the camera and the preparation time function for our application works.
The training page is now connected to the seleciton page and its camera is now working. Pressing the Capture button will start a countdown, and after the countdown, the footage of the user will be captured. Now the captured footage will be saved as an image file, but the actual pipeline we want to realize is to send the image to backend for comparisons. The connection with backend is my major task for next week.
Meanwhie, I managed to dynamically add widgets to the selection page. Now the main task is to create custom widgets so that each pose selection button has a preview of what it looks like. This will also be part of my work next week.
I also reached out to professionals for interviews on Taichine Training and searched for papers. This is to support our argument that the user’s feet postions should be used as the root for postures in comparison functions. I managed to get consent to interview for next week, and I also found a few relevant papers supporting our arguments.
Also, I set up a repository for our project to help our team integrate the full application. The UI code has worked successfully on all team members’ laptops, which is good news!
Overall, I am back on schedule and we can finally start our overall integration next week. I’m looking forward to it!