This week, I have managed to make progress on the frontend of my pipeline using Kivy. Kivy is a new library to me, that also comes with its own CSS-style language (KV lang). Learning this new language and library and how it interacts with Python was fairly challenging as most of the file processing needs to be done in Python, while a lot of the frontend design is most conveniently done in (KV lang). Ultimately, I was able to get a basic UI working that is able to pull up a file explorer, and when a file is clicked by the user the path of that file will be printed out to the VS code terminal which I demonstrate in the video below.
Video Link:
In addition to my technical tasks, I also met with my team and discussed the ethics of our project and how we might make more ethical design choices for our project, the notes of which were sent in our team slack.
I believe I am well on schedule, as from here, saving files should not be too difficult, which will finish the functionality for the frontend part of the project.
For the next week, I will focus on getting openpose to build and finishing off the frontend functionality. If I complete things ahead of schedule, I will also look into making the frontend look nicer, and then pushing my code to the github for integration for demo day.