Week of 09/30/2023: A week of Research and Findings
We have a new team member Jerry Feng joining us following our new proposal being approved on Monday. Doing research works on different parts of the project and reintroducing the project to group members were the main focuses of the week.
During Monday and Wednesday meetups, Shiheng, Ray and Eric (Hongzhe), made a proper introduction to Jerry about our Taichi project, discussed its background, and explained why we chose this as our project. In addition, Ray and Eric discussed with Jerry in depth about the openpose algorithm and existing pipeline in our original plan, while Shiheng focused more on the comparison algorithm and how voiceover should be implemented in parallel to the development of the posture pipelines. While meeting up with Professor Bryon and Eshita, we brainstormed about how Jerry could integrate into our existing framework and decided that developing an alternative pipeline allowing customization would be best in Jerry and the rest of the team’s interest in working parallelly.
After transitioning smoothly into our new workflow, we spent most of our time researching our own parts of the project. We discovered various compatibility issues when trying to set up environments on our own laptops, but fortunately they were all resolved by the end of the week through our discussions and research online, which we all had a good understanding of how to implement the project. Everyone on the team has done decent research on narrowing down the ideal programming language, packages, and algorithm, which could be justified from various aspects including but not limited to compatibility, offline support, efficiency, and ease to use.
For the rest of the week, we spend the majority working on design review slides and replanning out our project quantitatively with the new pipeline Jerry owned. We refined our proposal slides to include more quantitative values to measure our performance, specified measures dealing with pipeline failures, and brainstormed various test cases for future verification purposes. Additionally, we worked on creating a new Gantt chart to include current works and reorganizing the work as Ray and Jerry now have some overlapping they could collaborate on during the semester.
Gantt Chart is Attached Below to show our progress: