I did not get as much work done as I had planned this week due to a heavy workload from other classes. I had originally planned to do some data analysis on our real and generated data as well as come up with/test multiple methods of detecting what is a real gesture.
I spent most of this week doing some analysis on the data we had collect compared to the fake data we had generated to try to understand why our real data performed so much better than our fake data. I did this by plotting several combinations of three axes (x, y and size) for the letter L. I chose to do the letter L because the sign for this letter a good variety of finger angles. To begin, we had more fake data than real data to train our models on, which is interesting considering our real data trained a model with higher accuracy. Based on my plots, I believe the reason for better results with the real data is that we have more consistent consistent correlation between the finger angles and the IMU data. For example, the plot I created comparing Middle Finger vs. AccelerometerZ vs. GyroscopeY showed a very scattered plot that does not imply any correlation for the fake data. The real data, on the other hand has a much more clear pattern (eg. bigger AccelerometerZ values correlates to a larger GyroscopeY value). Below are those two comparisons. This makes sense because when generating the fake data, we were unsure how to model the IMU data since we weren’t able to find good documentation on the values they would output based on certain movements or orientations.
I also collected some extra data, since I am in possession of the glove, for a “space” character as well as some random gestures so that the system does not try to identify letters while the user is transitioning between letters.
I would say we are on schedule since we had taken much less time than anticipated for the glove construction. The next steps are to integrate the glove with the software system so that it can do real-time interpretation of the data collected from the glove, so I will be working on this with Stephanie this upcoming week.