Rachel’s Status Report for 12/4

This week, I mainly focused on collecting more real-time data to test our glove’s performance under different conditions as well as creating the slides in preparation for our final presentation. I tested the glove’s performance by changing the number of consecutive predictions that the glove must see before outputting the signal as well as seeing our glove’s performance under different signing rates (speed of user). In doing so, I realized that the amount of consecutive predictions we require and how much buffer we allow between signs are both going to have to be dependent on our target user– if our target user is a novice learner, we would probably allow for more buffer time while if our target user is someone who is well-versed in the ASL letters, this buffer time should be reduced so that they can sign smoothly. I also created other plots (such as points of two entirely overlapping signs) to show in our presentation why our glove performs more poorly on some of the letters.

In collecting data for these graphs, I also found some errors in the serial communication code that would occasionally cause the script to hang, so I also fixed that this past week. This coming week, I will work with the rest of my team to complete the final report as well as create a video for our final demo. The glove also needs to be fixed and the sensors secured, so I will also help with the job of securing the sensors so that the data we get from them remain consistent (which was another problem we found throughout the semester). After securing the glove, I will re-collect data from several people, so that we can train our final model. Since everything we have left is relatively outlined and what we expected to be doing this upcoming week, I would say we are right on track!

Team’s Status Report for 12/4

In the last week we worked mostly on making the final presentation slides together. We also started making further improvements that are beyond our original scope to the glove such as adding contact sensors and changing the connection into wireless using Bluetooth if possible. There were some issues in transmitting the data from the Arduino to the PC but that has been resolved in this week.

In this week, we have decided to go along our original approach of using wired connections since the Bluetooth technology adds more delay and we may not meet our goal for latency. We also worked on stabilizing and sewing the sensors down more tightly. Now that we have made adjustments, we will be collecting data next week.

We are on schedule since we have finished the product of our original scope. Our current work are addons made to improve the glove. As mentioned before, we will be collecting data from various people in the next week and working on finishing our final video and report.

Stephanie’s Status Report for 12/4

Last week, I helped making the final presentation slides and worked on generating graphs for our machine learning models to compare the trade-offs and accuracies from different rounds of testing for our final presentation.

In this week, we’re mostly making adjustments to the physical components of the glove, so there isn’t much to do on the software end. I wrote a new script for data training since the format of the data we collect after on will be different from the previous format as we added more sensors. With this, we can get started right away with model training after data collection.

Next week, we’ll be meeting up to collect data after the sensors are all tightly attached and finish up our final report and video. I have also contacted others for data collection.


Sophia’s Status Report for 12/4

For the last two weeks, I worked on making some more repairs to the glove and adding touch sensors. The ring finger on the glove was not responding so I switched it out with a new one and stitched it down very tightly. I borrowed a sewing kit from IdEATE and sewed down it down with the full thickness embroidery thread.

I also created a new protoboard to make room for pins for touch sensors.

For touch sensors, I decided to use some conductive tape.

Unfortunately, it seems there are issues with the newprotoboard and some more of the flex sensors are not working. I will need to replace the thumb and fourth finger flex sensors next and debug my work on the protoboard.