Team’s Status Report for 10/9

This week, the team worked on finishing up the glove fabrication, writing the design review report, and testing on real data. Sophia worked on building the glove prototype with the system built on a protoboard so that we can start testing earlier as we wait on the PCB order. While the construction is not yet perfect by the team’s standard, we were able to get a preliminary set of data. Rachel took on the code implementation for communicating between the Arduino and the computer and recorded a set of ASL letters with an ample amount of samples for each letter. She also made some suggestions for the glove to collect data better, which the team will work on in the next week. This first set of data was then passed onto Stephanie, who did some preliminary training and testing using the best-performing models that were trained on the generated data. The results look quite promising and showed high accuracy metrics that meet our requirements. Overall, we are ahead of the schedule as the individual tasks all took less time than expected.

Next week, we will be spending the early half to finish up the design review report and other times for refining the glove system and getting data. Since we will be meeting up during lab times, we will work together on stabilizing the glove parts and getting data from Sophia and Stephanie. If time permits, we will get data from others and finalizing the ML models to use, which can put us ahead of schedule.

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