The global spread of the coronavirus has truly changed our lives, transitioning us to a remote environment where contact with others is limited. This has impacted not only the way we work but also our ability to stay in shape. This has led to a rise in the popularity of at home workout options that range from free fitness applications such as Nike Training App to high-end systems likeMirror. We’re introducing Falcon the Pro Gym Assistant (FPGA), a revolutionary and affordable workout system that guides a user through a customizable workout plan while providing accurate real time feedback.
Vishal Status Report 12/5
This week I mostly worked on making sure the UI was in a ready state to present for our demo on Wednesday. The main task that I had to tackle in terms of the UI was the main menu which is used to link the various pages within the UI. I also worked on creating the workout setup screen and settings screen in which the user can customize their workout as well as their profile information. The next thing I did for the UI was enable profile switching and save unique states for each user within the sqlite database. The final thing I did was clean up the overall flow and details for all the pages and made sure that different aspects were integrated properly.
After the demo I worked a bit with the spotify integration. I have a log in menu for each profile and then I started working on the UI aspect of spotify. This UI will give the user the ability to play, pause, next song, previous song, as well as see the current song they are playing on their device. I have a bit more work to do to actually get it to display but the button logic works properly with the API.
In the next weeks I will be working on creating clips for Albert that will demonstrate the UI and features we were able to implement after the recording we had before thanksgiving. After that I will be finishing the spotify UI buttons and have it properly display. In addition I will be preparing for the presentation this Monday and then start on the design report.
Vishal’s Status Report for 11/21/20
This week I made a lot of progress and headway on the project that has made the overall project a lot more robust. I started off the week refining the changes I made last week for displaying the feedback from the FPGA. It turned out that when the entire project was run together with the hardware as well as the signal processing the timing for the feedback was a little delayed especially for pushups. I had to work on editing the gif’s and reimplementing the timing for the workouts so that the final rep of a set had more time remaining so that the user could properly read their feedback before moving onto the next workout. After fixing up timing for the different workouts and more specifically the pushup exercise I moved onto working on implementing a second type of lunge and fixing up the gif for the lunge.
We originally had the lunge implemented for the right leg forward but we worked on changing it so that two different types of lunges are shown with also a version where the left leg is forward. With the help of Venkata I was able to apply the new gifs since the old ones ended up being too pixelated and did not flow cohesively in the user interface. In order to accommodate both types of the lunge I had to refactor some of the code and implemented new logic.
I worked on making sure that the images are captured periodically in a proper manner and made sure the scaling and coloring for them were proper. The frame through opencv was given in blue scale and I had to cast it in order to be consumable by Albert’s signal processing as in the past we have been using photos from a saved folder that was taken by an external webcam application.
I’ve wrapped up this week working with Albert and Venkata to record some workout footage that we will be using in our final demo as we will all be heading home next week for Thanksgiving. We had some issues integrating so I spent a little bit of time making sure those bugs were cleaned up.
In the upcoming weeks I will be making the main menu which will connect all our different pages together and then I will be integrating a profile customization screen.
Vishal’s Status Report 11/14/20
This week I was able to make a good amount of progress for both the integration and the database aspect of the application. For the database I was able to create the database through python code and have two tables setup. One for profiles and the respective biodata and one for keeping track of workout data. Both of these tables are integrated into the UI code. At the end of workouts the statistics about that specific workout will be loaded into the database. Currently there is only one profile but I will be integrating the profile switching in the upcoming weeks. Here is a look at the database schema.
In terms of integration I now have the feedback received by the application and displayed at the correct time in the UI. In the upcoming weeks I will be making sure that the UI is working well overall and refining things that looks buggy. It will be inspected and tested using visual inspection for the most part and a bit of test frameworks.
Vishal Status Report 11/07/20
This week I was able to make a decent amount of progress in the user interface application, as well a bit in terms of integration. I worked on actually implementing the calorie estimator as well as the heart rate estimator. I used my previous calorie formulas and data to keep track of calories burned during both rest as well as different workouts. I had to a do a bit of new research for heart rate but found out a proper value using the following formula and table.
Heart Rate = (Heart Rate Reserve)*(MET Reserve Percentage)
I also refined a few bugs in the workout page such as the pausing and timing for that, as well as having transitions between different workouts and changing the heart rate/calorie estimation.
I also worked a bit on integration with both Albert and Venkata. With the hardware I was able to work with the pyserial library and receive and send data from the captured images. I also was able to integrate the posture analysis in a naive and basic manner and have feedback shown in the workout summary at the end. In terms of schedule I am still on track to complete on time, but I will still be prioritizing integration over the database.
Team Status Report 11/07/20
This week we took more pictures together of various workouts to add to our collection for training thresholds and the posture analysis. From these pictures we were able to fine tune the different types of analysis we will be able to give for leg raise, push ups, and lunges. The details of the different types of analysis are detailed in Albert’s status report. We finally discussed what the details of our demo is going to look like and how much we want integrated for the demo.
Vishal’s Status Update for 10/31/20
This week I was able to make significant progress and headway on my tasks. Most of my work was in terms of the workout screen and making it better and and more useful for the user. I received a lot of feedback from Albert and Venkata which I took in and implemented as seen below. I also added in a pause menu which wasn’t discussed below as it is something a user would like while performing a workout.
Since I waspretty much caught up with the UI outside of storing workout data for future reference within the database, I decided it would be a bit more worth while to spend time looking into integration as the database storage is essential but the project will definitely still work without it. I realized my code could be a bit more optimized and learned that I will need to implemented threading in order to receive data and send data through the UART protocol. This took a good portion of my week as well but it now definitely seems feasible and I have pseudo code that will be ready to plug into Venkata’s UART protocol.
In terms of the work left I am basically caught up but a bit out of order. I have the database setup but I don’t have anything being stored from workouts or a menu to access the history set up yet. However I have made decent headway into the integration and have setup the serial library so that I can interface properly. In order to test that out more I will have to talk to Venkata and see if the code ends up working out. Next week I will most likely try to actually store data in the database and have a simple UI to view data. I also would like to add the additional feature of multiple profiles as I think it would help make the project more robust overall.
Vishal’s Status Update 10/24/20
The past two weeks I have been working on creating the custom timed workouts as well as wrapping up the calculations for calories burned + average heart rate.
For calories burned I did a bit of research in terms of the MET (Metabolic equivalents) for various workouts. From my research I found that push ups are have a MET value of 7.55, leg raises have an MET 2.23 and Lunges have a MET value of 2.80. I used the following formula to calculate the aaverage calories burned as well as heart rate in the code:
I was able to complete this section and it will accurately reflect how many calories are burned. I also take into account during rest sections that the MET value will decrement at rate of 20% per minute.
In terms of the timed workout I was not able to fully finish them as I had anticipated as I had a very rough schedule this week (midterms etc.) and not too much time to finish. I have all the necessary media, models and templates at this point to finish but still have a few more buttons and pages to add. I will be finishing this by Monday (10/26) at the latest and will be almost ready for integration.
I have also begun researching the way that the data will be stored more in depth so that it can be tied into the application. SQLite will be adequate and be a safe way to store the data in a relation manner. I have the function headers for storing the workout data setup but will be adding that in, this upcoming week.
As I had a tough week I am about half week behind my schedule but will definitely be able to catch up, as my other classes had midterms and I will now be able to put my full effort/time into the application and UI. I anticipate some time will be required to integrate with the UART protocol as well as the posture analysis so I will also begin prepping for that.
Team Status Report for 10/17/20
In terms of team work this week mostly comprised of working on the design review and design report. We took the feedback from the presentation and updated our report accordingly. We also made a few updates to our schedule to make it more reasonable and up to date.
We also worked on designing and creating the tracker suit. We realized that there were a few colors that weren’t bright enough through the webcam so we had to change them and modify the location the trackers were placed.
Vishal’s Status Report for 10/17/20
This week I worked with Venkata/Albert to create the tracker suit that we will be using for our project. More details on the work done for this can be seen in the team status update for this week.
In regards to my own personal work I spent a lot of this week working on the design review report/presentation which ended up taking a major portion of my time. I was also able to make progress in creating the timed workouts. I now have each set timed and it will move onto the next set once the first set is finished. Pictures are being taken periodically as each rep finishes. The user input menu is completed now and the weight and height can be adjusted. In terms of the schedule I have updated it so that I have another week to work on the timed workouts as it ended up being a lot more work than I had anticipated. The timing for the schedule is still fine as I already had a slack week accounted for.