Vishal’s Status Update for 10/31/20

This week I was able to make significant progress and headway on my tasks. Most of my work was in terms of the workout screen and making it better and and more useful for the user. I received a lot of feedback from Albert and Venkata which I took in and implemented as seen below. I also added in a pause menu which wasn’t discussed below as it is something a user would like while performing a workout.


Since I waspretty much caught up with the UI outside of storing workout data for future reference within the database, I decided it would be a bit more worth while to spend time looking into integration as the database storage is essential but the project will definitely still work without it. I realized my code could be a bit more optimized and learned that I will need to implemented threading in order to receive data and send data through the UART protocol. This took a good portion of my week as well but it now definitely seems feasible and I have pseudo code that will be ready to plug into Venkata’s UART protocol. 

In terms of the work left I am basically caught up but a bit out of order. I have the database setup but I don’t have anything being stored from workouts or a menu to access the history set up yet. However I have made decent headway into the integration and have setup the serial library so that I can interface properly. In order to test that out more I will have to talk to Venkata and see if the code ends up working out. Next week I will most likely try to actually store data in the database and have a simple UI to view data. I also would like to add the additional feature of multiple profiles as I think it would help make the project more robust overall.

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