In week 12, as a team, the following objectives were done.
- All Mechanical Parts Arrived for the rotating base
- SolidWorks 3D CAD modeling Done
- 3D printed IR Man Arm and tested motion with servo
- 3D printed IR Man Body
- Laser Cut Base and assembled rotary mechanical parts
- Soldered Motor Controller Board and IR MOSFET circuit onto a single PCB board
- Tested powering the RPi with a portable power source
- More Training Image Collection and Labeling for new devices (Multi-device in a single frame)
- CV Model further trained for multi-class detection
- Recording more footage for development video! Stay tuned!

Integrated Circuits Boards

3D Printed IR Man

CV Multi-class Object Detection
This week’s development is on schedule. We have made extensive progress in Mechanical Integration and the IR Man is starting to comeĀ into its physical form. Stepping into the final phase, we are getting more excited about how IR Man would turn out to be.
Deliverables Next Week
- CV Pipeline Unit Testing and Further Integration
- CV Image Post-processing
- Client Code Modification -> Device Location Func
- Motor and Servo Motion Development
- Scenarios Modes and Programming
- More Mechanical Parts Assembly
- Mechanical Design: Integration and 3D printing IR Man Body
- Figure out how to mount RPi and IR Man onto rotating base
- Mounting all the wires, IR circuits, Cameras onto IR Man Body
- Paint IR Man with color
- Benchmark Testing and Metrics Reports for each MVP