Karen’s Status Report for 11/12

I added a temperature calculation for getting a temperature in celsius from the ADC reading from the temperature sensor. I also cleaned up my code for going into standby mode and getting a temperature reading. I made separate header and source files for the standby function and temperature reading function, so that down the line integrating the group’s code together will be easier. As a group we discussed potential ways of handling the fact that the nodes need to start  the STP protocol at the same time in a real world environment. One of the ideas was using an external real time clock with its own battery, so I have been researching how to use one with the STM32. I picked one up from the physical computing lab in IDeATe, and plan to try using it this week. I also started writing code for the nodes to transmit to each other on a schedule. It currently just times how long to wait until transmitting and how long to go into standby mode given the number of time slots and its TX slot, but I will work on it more once Ankita writes the code for creating the schedule.

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