Ankita’s Status Report for 11/12

The web application has been for the most part completed and since the demos some more features have been added to make the interface more user-friendly. The “About” and “How to Use” sections have been flushed out in terms of the words that are used to describe it. The map has been slightly adjusted so that all the nodes are as equidistant away from each other as possible to replicate our smaller-scaled future demo. Now, instead of just a node turning red when there is a fire (there is a change in some of the graphics here now too) it is also able to handle when a node dies. This means that the node has gone down in the system. This is currently also being hard-coded with a boolean flag, causing the node to turn gray to signify it being inaccessible. This code has been set aside for now and needs to include a json file input but that will be adjusted when the network is complete. Since then and our various team meetings, I have been sick and have not been super able to do work while in quarantine. However, I am now working on creating a schedule for our network to determine if it is under RX/TX. This transmission schedule is beneficial to work with the rest of the protocol and needs to be completed for a lot of the rest to continue. At the moment, my design for the schedule is a framework but is in the process of being implemented. The plan is to have this done during the week so that Arden will have it ready to transmit the schedule amongst the nodes and Karen will have it ready to execute the schedule.

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