Ankita’s Status Report for 10/08

This week has set me behind a lot in my intended schedule as mentioned in the Gantt chart. I had intended to have Django all up and running on the RPi, but I have yet to do that after falling sick this past week. Due to my work being stagnant, I have adjusted my schedule and have laid it out as the following: By the start of fall break, I intend to download Django and all other software needed onto the Raspberry Pi. I also intend to create a dummy web server with the finalized design that has no actual functioning components yet but looks how we want it to look. I have read up on a lot of documentation regarding Django and what might end up becoming future challenges for me, so I have taken note of that. I have decided that everything related to the web application will be written in Python for simplicity. After recovering, I am hoping to catch up to my Gantt chart so that my component is completed on time. Unfortunately, this might lead to some work being done during the break.

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