What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or
photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).
This week, I started by laser-cutting the mounting system and putting it together. I tried using hot glue, which didn’t prove to be a good method so I am going to use superglue next time. We also discovered that the 3mm acrylic does not hold up well under the weight of the solenoids, so after the demo, I worked on a redesign using 6mm acrylic. I have had a lot of past projects where I had a hard time keeping acrylic together, so I am considering cutting out certain pieces in 6mm thickness wood instead because the wood glue holds together very well. In addition to redesigning the mounting system, I kept working on object detection. I have decided to make the Haar Cascade for the symbols using the opencv tools to train them. I also changed the design of the objects to make them symmetrical around the center so they are more easily recognized in different positions. I am currently in the process of training the cascade.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be
taken to catch up to the project schedule?
I am on schedule.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
Finish the object detection!! and get started on distance measurements so that I can provide feedback to the user.
Now that you are entering into the verification and validation phase of your project, provide a comprehensive update on what tests you have you run or are planning to run. In particular, how will you analyze the anticipated measured results to verify your contribution to the project meets the engineering design requirements or the use case requirements?
I am planning to run a test (when my symbol detection starts working) where I measure the time between when I put the symbol in the note area and when it recognizes it. To do this, I am going to have code that just has a time that records what time it recognizes the symbols and have it start with the symbol in the right place. This needs to be less than a second to meet the use case requirements.