What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or
photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).
This past week I worked on Monday and Tuesday to work on preparing for the interim demo. From last week I fixed some things with changing the coordinates of the warp to make them alligned as well as fixing some things that were hard-coded to adjust for outlier test cases.
I printed out the piano layout sheet with the red dots to start practicing on a real live photo when I was finished on the digital images. I printed out two types, one with smaller red dots and another with larger red dots. As I went through with testing, I found that the larger red dots were better so that there were more red pixels to threshold with which was helpful. Therefore, I am no longer using the smaller dots. I practiced on different lighting environments to adjust for the RGB colors in the threshold range for red to get that to work under most environments.
After the interim demo I worked on the hand and finger thresholding. As I was doing my research I came across an external package created by google engineers that would detect not only hands in an image, but also detect certain landmarks in the hands. It took me a while to work on this to get the installed package to work since I need python 3.7 and the relative numpy and opencv editions that are compatible with that. Once I got that working I tested the code out on my computer and so far I am able to get my hand and the landmarks printed on the screen.
” Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
My progress is currently on schedule as I finished doing the warping under real lighting environments. And I am already working on the hand and finger detection which is the next and last task for me before integration.
” What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
I hope to continue analyzing how to utilize the landmarks to identify specific fingers to then get their coordinates and then check what region they are located in. Basically working on the next task in my schedule for this upcoming week.