Keaton’s status report 4/23

So, this week, I spent the majority of my time finalizing the last for secondary checks for the CV code, and actually did the testing. I started the actual testing itself far too late. I had hoped to finish by today, but even with Jay’s assistance, we were unable to get all of the taken/identified before the end of today.


There was a lot of just manually iterating, testing and retesting suitable HSV color bounds, which took more time than I expected. Also, I found that the dimensions of our image post localization generally were not very reliable. The SSIM method I was using for localization tends to pretty regularly overestimate the bounds, so it’s difficult to . The overinclusion of the background also had a cascading effect on the color tests, since it was harder to tell how much of an item was a particular color when we don’t know how much of the image is the background. As such, a lot of the secondary checks ended up being a lot less effective than I had hoped. I think we might possibly be able to mitigate this with a second localization pass using SIFT, but I’m not sure if it’s feasible at this point.


There’s not much to say about the testing, I just vastly underestimated the amount of time it would take. It’s not difficult to do, it’s just that our testing plan expects us to take >200 images manually, which takes a large amount of time. Preliminary results based on what we have done are mixed. We are well within the amount of time needed, and we get enough correct positives. However, we also misidentify objects (ID object A as object B) far more commonly then we fail to identify objects (ID object A as an unknown object). This is unfortunately exactly the opposite of what we wanted to occur.


Next week, and probably for all of the following weeks until the final live demo/paper, I will be working on trying to get the results such that we can meet our use case. I expect this to be fully possible given where we’re at, it’s literally the only thing left, and I can think of several possible secondary checks that I didn’t get to implement on the first p

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