Harry’s Status Report for Apr 23

I have been super busy with homework and labs this week so I wasn’t as productive as I hoped. However, I did manage to get some stuff done:

  • I kept working on designing and styling pages with Bootstrap. I was able to make most of the pages look decent and I worked on small features like phone number formatter to improve user experience. CSS and styling is in general hard to deal with to achieve desired results, so this task ended up taking most of my time.
  • I upgraded the EC2 instance to have more memory and CPU cores. Further testing is needed to determine the best configuration for us to meet our goals.
  • I also helped teammates debug some code

Next week:

  • Finish styling and make some final touches to web app functionalities
  • Integration testing
  • Find the best config for the EC2 server

Team Status Report 4/16

This week has mostly been integration week, which has been overall successful. Highlights include:

  • Full integration of web app with hardware device
    • Fully working communication between RPI and web app
    • Support for users identifying images/adding new Iconic classes, based on cropped images sent from RPI && support for arbitrary categories
  • Slight improvements on the CV side
    • Can now take a list of expected items from the web app, and filter looking for only the expected items to improve accuracy (when item is removed)
    • Now accepts arbitrary additional iconic images to be compatible with user registration on Web app side
  • Web app/CV now supports custom registered items (fully integrated with previous debugging-stage custom items): users can now identify their custom items using the viewfinder on the webapp.
  • Several UI/CSS enhancements

Overall, I think we’re in a pretty good position. We have almost everything essential for the project finished, and we have about a week left to perform the needed testing and create the slideshow. The main concern is finalizing the AJAX for the current recipe listings, and possibly needing to eke out some extra performance on the CV side to meet our criteria. To that end, we’ve decided to shuffle around some responsibilities so that Jay can focus on AJAX (see Jay’s report). There are also some remaining less essential issues, including RPI online/offline indicators, CSS, and website UI enhancements.

Jay’s Status Update 4/2

After much procrastination, I finally got around to completing the model-view-controller of the website, moving on from dummy HTML to actually interactive data. I’ll still continue to work on it before our demo this week, but I’m optimistic that we’ll have a functional backend by the time we present.

Major goal by next week is getting a working grocery list for the demo. I hope to make substantial progress on Sunday and Monday.

Besides that, there were a handful of lesser bugs in our current version, namely…

  • empty items don’t return an error message, but rather crash the website. Cause still unknown.
  • remaining logged in for too long causes a NoneType error. Harry is chasing down the issue. I don’t think we’ll be able to get this working by the end of the weekend, but certainly by the final demo.
  • the same serial number of a tracking device can be registered multiple times. Very much intentional whilst debugging the website, but I wanted to write it down to remind myself to un-comment out those lines before the final presentation.

This week, after the first demo, I’ll continue to refine the site, ensuring that the bugs above don’t impede the user experience.