This week, with progress finally being made with our PCBs, I worked on updating our touch control interface and tests from the interim demo to be compatible with the final hardware. I also helped Matt S with soldering the final surface-mounted components on the remaining PCB boards. The tests that I developed have yet to be used with the hardware as I need Matt K’s updated code, which he is also updating to match our new environment, to be fully working so that we can check how physical inputs translate to touch controls on the OS. We are currently in the process of debugging our work so that we can proceed with physical testing on the final hardware, and we are aiming to have this done by Monday. With the conclusion of the week I am well on schedule, and overall things have been ramping up recently since we are finally back on track after receiving the decoders. Next week, I will work with Matt K in squashing our final bugs so that we can start testing to not only check the robustness of the software and hardware, but to also record relevant data to compare against the requirements we set in our design review. We will start by testing physical input along one dimension, which we already have the hardware ready for. This is essentially a scaled up version of our interim demo tests. Once the second axis is ready, we will test touch controls along both axes, which would be a major milestone as this will give us the capability to interact with any point along the 2-dimensional space of the screen.