We are still waiting on our decoders, which are concerningly behind schedule. This week, for our project demo, I reconfigured the breadboard prototype that we used for early-stage testing. We decided to come up with a quick script that could showcase the entire stack of our project, from hardware to serial communication to screen control. The hardware we used only features 7 LEDs, so we drastically upscaled the distance between touches on the screen from the distance on the LEDs. But for our final implementation, we hope to have a 1:1 ratio between the LED separation and how they map to screen touches. We are on schedule to finish in time, although we have slightly less slack time now. This coming week, if the decoders still don’t come in, I may place another order on a different website, or worst case, start trying to hack the correct decoders (which we have, but are through-hole components) onto the SMD pads.