This week was a little of a lighter week for me in terms of things I needed to do to get ready for the interim demo next week. Since we won’t really start the integration process until probably after carnival, my job this week was to make sure that the circuitry looks good, and understand the set up to make sure I can replicate it to work for all three strainers. I already has the LED and push button working, and I think the temperature sensor is calibrated correctly, so all that was left was the motors. I was waiting on some wires to arrive, and once they did, I was able to begin assembly. I ran into some issues with connecting it all together, because I realized I didn’t really have the right screwdrivers I needed to connect the wires from the CNC shield to the power source. I tried using my roommates tools, but her screwdrivers were a little too small, and I was worried about keeping trying because I didn’t want to strip the screws on the power source. I did get it to open, and what I did test seemed to work, but I need to do more testing before the demo on Wednesday to make sure that this subsystem works. I also need to meet up with Shane to connect his strainer system to the motors, and make sure that the motors are strong enough to lift the strainer.
I feel like I am on schedule. Once I was able to test the motors, I think I have caught up, when I felt I was a little behind last week.
In the next week, since it is an abbreviated week and it is the interim demo, I don’t expect to get too much done. What I do hope to accomplish is to test out the motors with the strainers, and make any necessary adjustments.