Team Status Report 3/20/21

This week we did a lot of finalizing of our design and reorganized our schedules and goals for the project. We coordinated more about how we want our final external housing to look like and how the camera will be attached. Additionally we have what should be close to our final parts list for the main components. The only things we have left to order are any parts we need for the construction of the final housing. In order to complete our design review, we finalized our communication protocols and all got on the same page detail wise about how the code will communicate and where it will all live. We also did a big parts order. Additionally, we started getting code running on the Jetson. For the launcher, as a team we went over a few design ideas and how it should match our requirements. We discussed if we should rescope to have a user drop in a ball, but decided that that would go against the requirement of facilitating a fully automatic game. We don’t think it should hold every ball it needs (this might be a lot of balls), but that it should definitely have some kind of hopper for storage. Following this, we went through a couple different hopper designs, some motorized and some not motorized. Our initial hopper prototype this week we decided will just be a tube attached to a funnel fed to the launcher at an angle. It requires no motors and we hope that it will allow only one ball at a timeĀ  to be launched if we time the DC motor actuation well. Having to design our own launching mechanism kind of threw us for a little bit of a loop, but with parts on the way we think we are in a better place again.

Juan Pablo weekly status report 3/14/21

This week I continued to do research into Jetson nanos and arduinos because my prior experience is very limited. I’m going to be fully caught up very soon and I’ve been placing most of my efforts here so my lack of prior exposure doesn’t become a setback for the team. This week I’m going to further look through the code JP pushed earlier this week and make sure I fully understand the functionality of the ellipse detection. I’m also going to continue working on the motion planning and look further into how we are going to implement the user interface.

JP Weekly Status Report (3/14/2021)

This week I did a lot of work tuning the filtering process for the ellipse detection. I was able to get a 90% detection rate with no duplicate ellipses on any cups. This took less time than I expected so I was able to start modifying the things to build on the Jetson TK1 that I recently picked up from the school. This upcoming week I plan to continue testing the real time capturing with ellipse detection. Also I plan to start testing things with on the TK1 instead of on my laptop.